Friday, February 18, 2011

Assistant Scoutmaster James R Harrington week 4

This is a self portrait of me in my boy scout Class B uniform. My troop and myself wear these t-shirts as work clothes for community service and non special stuff, we wear our Class A uniforms for special events. This is what i look like when I'm not in civilian form. This was captured on 2/18/11. I set up the camera on the tripod and set the time on the camera to 10 seconds and it came out well. The camera was set at manuel mode, with an aperture of f3 and shutter speed of 15. For the lighting I used my kitchen lights to give it a little shine. This describes alot about me and my personality, because when I put on this uniform, it tells me that I'm someone special and a helper to the world.


  1. Good job, James. For next week, I'd like to see you use your background to tell us even more about you.

  2. good shot. its also nice to read that their are in fact some kids our age doing community service that is not court appointed. keep it up.

  3. Thank you. Adults helpout in these as well, not only little kids and teenagers.
