Sunday, May 8, 2011
On The road again Week 15
This is a picture of me in my jeep driving on the road. I sometimes like taking a drive, because it helps me calm down and forgot my troubles when I'm down on my luck. It's fun driving even when I'm not having a bad day, I like running easy with the wind blowing on my face and having the radio on, listen to some music. I wanted to take this picture to display an emotion that I'm having. It's almost graduating time and when that time comes, I have to move on to something new and bigger. I go wherever the road takes me and sometimes i don't know where, but I just follow it and wait to see what's in store for me. This picture was taken on May 8th on my drive way and the lighting came from my flash on my camera. It was set up on my tripod with the timer set to 10 seconds. The camera mode was on manuel with an aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 320. I've enjoyed taking self portraits of myself through this semester and it's been fun displaying what I feel, what I think and sometimes what I like to dream about.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Military Man Week 14
This is a picture of me in the paint ball games. When I'm playing paint ball, I think of myself that I'm a real soldier and I'm fighting for my life. I also have my paint ball gun to shoot at people who try to shoot me and when people shot me, I'm in a lot of pain. This was taken on April 30th 2011 at the kittatinny camp grounds that's along the delaware river. We had fun playing paint ball and I got a shot on my body where I really don't like to be in pain. The lighting came from the flash of my camera, because the clouds kept getting in the way and I had to use my flash for more light. I had the tripod set up and with the timer set to 10 seconds and I got the picture. The mode the camera was on was manuel. The picture had an aperture of F6.4 and a shutter speed of 800. I do almost look like a real soldier on the battle field.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
My Man, The College Man week 13
This is a picture of me for what I look like when I get ready to go to college. I feel like Dressing up to like a gentleman, just trying to look my best and when I go to college, I look at myself and sometimes the clothes i wear make me feel that I'm still a teenager. Sometimes I would like to dress up like this everyday just to show off but I can't because of certian situations. The hat brings a little touch to it, because i see alot of people on tv wearing a hat that's similiar to mine, but not alot of people wear that hat in occc. This was taken on 4/24/11 in my grandmother's sitting room. I had my camera set up on my tripod with the timer on 10 seconds to work. the lighting came from the lights in the sitting room and it was taken on a vertical angle. The camera was set up to manuel mode. The aperture was set at f6.4 and the shutter speed was set at 2.5
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fortess of solitude Week 12
This is a picture of me feeling depressed and in our boiler room. Sometimes when I'm feeling angry, sad, or bad about myself I sometimes like to go to a special quiet area to clear my head and be alone. I was feeling very depressed when I took that picture, because I had gotten my letter from suny purchase and they turned me down, so I wasn't accepted into the photography program. So I wanted to be alone and not be bothered by anyone. Sometimes I got to my room to get quiet, but I wanted to try to be somewhere's else, like my dad's boiler room, because he usually goes in there to clear his head and sort out his trouble. I sometimes call our boiler room our fortess of solitude, because nobody else goes in there except me and my dad. This picture was taken on 4/16/11 and in my boiler room. I had the camera set up on the tripod with a timer of 10 seconds. The camera was set on manuel mode and the lighting came from the lights inside the room. The aperture was set at f6.4 with a shutter speed of f2. I just thought I express my emotions for this week's self portrait and clear out my troubles.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The light at the end of the journey Week 11
This is a new picture of me and a symbol. I thought I was going to try and make something new and very special not only for me, but for the rest of my friends in my digital photography class. We are coming to an end of a journey through Orange County Community College (OCCC) and once it's completed it will be time to move on. The light shines brightly while we're still in class, but it won't last forever and it is telling us that it will be almost time to go through it and start a whole new adventure and life for ourselves. We are coming to the end, the light at the end of the tunnel and once we come out a new light will shine for all of us with no turning back.
This is a dramatic photograph of me in front of my Moms car with the headlights on, it almost looks like a portal to the ghost world or the next step to adulthood. This was taken on 4/8/2011 on my driveway. The light came from the headlights of my car, since it was night so there was no sun, and we don't have many street lights. My camera was set on tripod and my mom snapped the photograph. The mode was set on manual with an aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 1.6. I thought I would express my feelings on how I feel about my graduation from OCCC and begin a new story in my life. I thought by taking this picture, I thought this was using dramatic lighting, but after seeing this, I think it is more a message, that we are coming to the end of our journey and will not be back again next semester. I'm sorry, this is a tearful moment and I am crying a little bit.
Assistant Scout Master and Eagle Scout James R Harrington Week 11
These are two pictures of me in my class A scouting uniform, I thought I would show both of them, the one from the past and the one in the present to tell you about me and my scout uniform. The first is the picture of me in my old scout uniform, back in the day for when I was an eagle scout in the troop. I wore a blue scarf on my collar, along with a sash around my body. The sash is worn by every scout and scouts put merit badges that they earned on them to show their accomplishments. Therer are also medels on my shirt. The one with the red, white and blue is what is awarded when becoming an eagle scout along with the patch. The other medal is the citizenship medal which i got from the American legion. I don't wear that uniform much anymore because when a scout reaches his 18th year(his 18th birthday) he can't wear the stuff on his uniform like i'm wearing anymore and must wear a new scout uniform. I do wear it when it comes for the time for a court of honor to welcome a new eagle into the troop. this was taken on october 25, 2010 on my driveway. I had my mother take the picture at a vertical angle. The mode was set at manuel with a aperture of f5 and a shutter speed of 125. the lighting came from the flash on my camera and some of the sun. I wanted to show what my old uniform looked like before changing uniforms.
Now the second picture of me in my uniform is the one I wear always. This is called my class A uniform and it's very important piece of scouting. As an Assistant Scoutmaster, i don't have to wear my scarf anymore or my sash, because it's scout rules, but I am required to wear my hat and my Assistant scout master's patch. If i wanted, I could wear a bow-low tie that is made from the scouts, usually scout masters and assistant scout masters can wear these. This uniform is alot different then the red T-shirt that i shot of before, because I wear this uniform to very important events, like a scout course over, that's when scouts go from young clubs to man hood. the memorial day parade, me and my troop wear these when marching in the parade. my scout meetings and other things. This uniform is a symbol of the scouts, because it show's hardship, a gentlemen, and a friend to all the people. This picture was taken on April 8th 2011, and it was taken on my drive. I had set the camera up on a tripod with the timer set at 10 seconds. the lighting came from the sky a little bit. The aperture was set at f6.4 with a shutter speed of 200. This is what I always look like when I'm not in civilian form and wear this to every meeting until the summer, because when we have meetings, we wear our class B T-shirts, but wear them to dinner at summer camp and the Memorial Day parade.
P.S. If you are all wondering how many merit badges are on my sash, I'll tell you. There are 36 merit badges on that sash. That's alot of merit badges to get, usually to become an eagle scout, a scout must have 21 merit, including the 12 white back merit badges. So i went to alot then what i could get and it helped me get eagle palms for these. Eagle palms on things that you can wear on the collar of your shirt. You can get all three, bronze, silver, and gold if you collect alot of merit badges. I also go the world conservation award for doing all the citizen ship merit badges. That's amazing.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
"The Lone Ranger! "Hi Yo Silver!" A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi Yo Silver!" The Lone Ranger. "Hi Yo Silver, away!" With his faithful Indian companion Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains, led the fight for law and order in the early west. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, and Nowhere in the pages of history can one find a greater champion of justice. The Lone Ranger rides again! This is a picture of me chad michael murrey's version of the Lone Ranger. Sometimes in the scouts and most day out in the real world, I like to think of myself as the great western hero. As I do community service and stuff with the scouts, I think of myself doing what the lone does, my town a decient place to live, where people can settle down and live in a nice community with no worries. I've seen alot of episodes with of the lone ranger from the classics, the movies and even Chad Michael Murrey's version. The Lone Ranger is also another inspiration of mine like indiana jones, but besides adventures, The lone ranger shows provides a way of showing the law, shows what's right from wrong, and how to do good things for people. This was taken on my property on April 2, 2011. The way I took it, I had set it up on my tripod with the timer of 10 seconds and the photo came out good. The lighting came out from half the sun and the flash on my camera. The camera was set on manuel, with an aperture of f5, and a shutter speed of 320. This is how i usually like to express myself, but only in my dreams and fantasties.
History lession: The Lone Ranger was legend in the oldis the last survivor of a group of six Texas Rangers. He wears a mask to conceal his identity as he travels the West fighting for law and order.The lone ranger was the last survivor of a group of six Texas Rangers during an ambush. He wears a mask to conceal his identity as he travels the West fighting for law and order. The lone ranger was part of a group of Six Texas Rangers,including brothers Dan and John Reid, they were tracking a gang of desperadoes led by the notorious Butch Cavendish. Led by a tracker named Collins, who was actually a member of the Cavendish gang, the Rangers were lured into a canyon called Bryant's Gap, and ambushed. Except for young John Reid(the lone ranger),who managed to crawl to safety near a water hole where he was later found and nursed back to health by a friendly Indian named Tonto. Tonto remembered Reid, who had once saved Tonto himself. "You Kemosabe," said Tonto; "it mean 'trusty scout.'" As, Reid was recovering, he had thought about setting up a new way of law and order, by capturing cavendish, and any other criminal and make then regret the day the other rangers were killed, Six graves were left to hide the fact that one man lived to fight. Realizing that if his identity were known, he would be a marked man, Reid had Tonto make a mask from the vest of his dead bother, along with a gun. The lone ranger would shoot if he had to but it would be shoot to wound. Only tonto knew the lone ranger lived, but to the world he would be buried beside his brother and friends forever. Tonto now vowed to stay with him as the "lone" Ranger vowed to avenge the deaths of his brother and their comrades. they were all slaughtered. The Lone Ranger needed a mount. Remembering a magnificent wild white stallion he had once seen, the Lone Ranger and Tonto set off for the Valley of Horses. They found the stallion wounded and about to be gored to death by a wild buffalo and the Lone Ranger was forced to kill the buffalo. Tonto and the Lone Ranger nurse the horse back to health. Time goes by and the horse is up and running around. "It's a magnificent animal,” the Ranger tells Tonto. "It reflects like silver from the sun" Tonto says. "Silver" says the Ranger, "that's what we'll call him. Silver. Here Silver, come here big fellow." The horse starts to run away but there's something in the Lone Ranger's voice that draws him back and to the ranger’s side. The Lone Ranger then begins the training process and soon, he's riding Silver while Tonto rides his horse, Scout.
There's another symbol of the lone ranger, His silver bullets: After getting silver, the Ranger tells Tonto it's time to see an old friend of his named Jim, a retired Texas Ranger, who knows about a silver mine that the Reid brothers owned and operated. The Lone Ranger, Tonto and Jim ride to the old silver mine. There the Lone Ranger asks Jim to work the mine for him so he and Tonto will have spending money and then asks Jim for something unusual. "Jim, I want you to make for me silver bullets" the Ranger says. "Silver?" Jim asks. "Why in the world would you want silver bullets?" The Ranger explains that the silver bullets will be a symbol of justice and they would show the lone rangers mark and that he fights for law and order. "Say, that's a great idea" Jim says. "I can make them right here in this mine." Together the Lone Ranger and Tonto set out to avenge wrongs throughout the Old West.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Mr. Cool Week 9
This is a new picture that shows another bit of my personality. Sometimes i think of myself as a cool dude, with the hat on backwards and a leather jacket on. During my middle school and high school life, I thought of myself trying to look cool by wearing some of the things that the cool kids whore in the movies. I was also showing off and be part of the popular crowd. But as it turned out, that isn't how it worked, and I felt like an idiot trying to do the things that I thought happened in the movies. As it turned some of the kids usually broke some of the school rules, did things that weren't allowed on school grounds, and alot of things that I don't feel comfortable talking about. I didn't want to be part of it and instead of trying to turn into somebody that I'm not, I thought it be best just to be myself and become popular in my own way. I did become a little popular by being on the school honor roll and sometimes high honor roll, becoming an eagle scout, being in the art club as the assistant art designer to miss Eleanor Horst, and having some of my pieces put up on a wall in the school. This was taken on my drive way on 3/25/11. I did this by setting up my tripod with the timer set to 10 seconds. I had my camera set to manual with an aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 400. The lighting came from half the sun and I got the good light from the flash on my camera, on a vertical angle.
Indiana Jimmy Week 8
This is a picture of me as the famous explorer and men of adventure, INDIANA JONES. I like to go on alot of adventures in my spear time and I usually think of myself as Dr. Jones when he goes on one of his famous treasure hunts. I've seen alot of his movies, and have a shirt and hat from him. I like Indiana Jones, he inspires me to do alot of adventures. Raiders of the lost ark has to be one of the best movies that had starred harrison ford. This was taken on 3/25/11 on my driveway. The way i took it, I had set it up on my tripod with the timer of 10 seconds and the photo came out good. The lighting came out from half the sun and the flash on my camera. The camera was set on manuel, With a aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 400.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Jimmy as a kid week
This is me for when i was little. I usually made crazy stuff like a flash light helmit and etc. This was probablly taken in 1996, 1997, 1998 or 1999, I don't remember the year. I was little when this was taken and didn't have much experience in photography. My mother took this photograph of me. The mode might be manuel with an aperture of f6.4 with a flash and a shutter speed of 125. The lighting came from the flash from the camera.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Jimmy in night clothes and start of morning Week 7
This is a picture of me in my night clothes and what I look like when I get up in the morning for a new day. When I get up, my hair is messed up with curls and I’m usually grumpy in the morning by the look of the expression on my face. I’m not usually a morning person and I really like to sleep so that I can get a full ounce of energy. This photograph was taken on March 12, 2011, that’s a Saturday. This was taken on a camping trip that I went to with my Boy Scout troop. I had set up my camera on my tripod and set the timer to 10 seconds on a vertical angle. The lighting that I used was from the lights in the cabin that we stayed in. The mode on the camera was set to Manuel with an aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 6. This describes my personality of how I feel when I wake up in the morning when not getting enough sleep.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Jimmy Harrington in Train Engineer uniform. Week 6
This is a picture of me in a train uniform. I wore something similiar to this back in high school. I was in a music contest and I sang the song "The Locomotion" and I also dressed the part. Sometimes I like to wear this suit and show myself off an a driver of a steam or diesel locomotive when I plan to pay with my model trains alone and I pretend I'm actually driving the train. I just love trains. I'm a train lover and collector, and some people think I'm crazy, but I'm crazy for trains and I can't stop it. My grandpa James Patrick Harrington and my father James Francis Harrington loved trains too, so this legacy runs in my blood. I even used a model train that belongs to my dad showing it as a symbol, thus showing how much I love trains. Before I was born, my father and grandfather build model trains and even build the parts they didn't have for the models. This was taken on march 5th 2011 during the night in my kitchen. This was set up on the tripod with a timer on the camera for 10 seconds. I used the light in my kitchen to do this portrait. The camera was set at the manuel mode, with an aperture of f2 and a shutter speed of 4. This reflects part of my personality on one of my hobbies.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Apprentice mechanic Jimmy Harrington Week 5
Week 5
1) What is new media?
It can be somebody’s blackberry, and/or a laptop computer. The internet can be helpful,
2) What is inefficient about the standard paper resume?
The inefficiencies are that it can be hard to deliver your resume to the employer, mailing it, showing your resume and introducing yourself face to face. The employer would need gather the paper resumes by reading it and sorting them out. Many employers do sometimes have high standards on grammar, plus spelling, and you would have to be very careful and precise on what you are writing. Also your paper resume is hard to look at or seem important it can be hard to make a 11 x 8.5 paper seem important.
3) What are the most sought after traits employers are seeking?
Somebody who is digital savvy, a person whose comfortable with using technology, must have good communication skills, and also writing skills. They sometimes seek organization, somebody to be on time, a person who can get along well with others, and a person who can conduct themselves in a proper adult manner.
Activity 1) Interview an employer about the top traits they look for in a new hire.
Tom McCarthy: Looking for somebody that can use computers, work along with office machines, somebody who can communicate, a person who can follow instructions. Anybody who can use time wisely, and work with others
Activity 2) Develop a list of your professional and personal skills.
I’m skilled at fixing photographs, and making any photo creations. I’m also good at taking photographs without being noticed and I can also edit photos. My personal skills include being good with computers, and fast internet searching.
Activity 3) Research web 2.0 presentation tools to be used in the solution.
Penzu-is a simple online tool for creating a personal journal. Entries are automatically dated and students can add titles and text as well as images which appear in the margin of the page. They need to register to save their entries but this is quick and simple and only requires an email address. The journal entries can be shared by email or can be printed up and brought into class.
Voxopop- is a web based audio tool that enables users to record their speaking for others
to listen and respond to. It allows teachers and students to build up threaded audio
discussions online similar to those on a text based bulletin board.
280 Slides-280 Slides is a web based presentation tool similar to PowerPoint. It enables you to create presentations with a series of slides and embed rich web based media into the slides such as video, audio and images. You can then deliver the presentations online, embed them into blogs or websites or download them to a computer hard drive.
Apprentice mechanic Jimmy Harrington
This is a picture of me dressed up in a mechanic uniform showing what happens when I'm not in school. When I'm at home, I usually help my dad around the yard, but most times I help him fix cars and machines. I'm not an actual mechanic, but I am a apprentice mechanic, my dad teaches me alot of what he knows on the job and techniques that he does while doing the work. My father was a diesel mechanic on the long island railroad, but not anymore. He still has alot of skills in him and he hopes to pass them on to me. Now days, he fixes cars up, on days when they're broken down and not broken day, it's like a inspection. He also fixes tractors and some of our other machines. He's a master mechanic and i hope to be like him one day. This was taken on 2/27/11, and it was taken on my property in westbrookville on my hill. I had my car parked near our garage, and I had put the camera on a tripod and set the timer on the camera to 10 seconds. The lighting came from the sun and it became a little cloudy, but got it to work. The mode on the camera was set to manual with an aperture was set at 320 with a shutter speed of f7.1. This reflects on how i should look like when I'm on a job fixing cars, machines or anything.
1) What is new media?
It can be somebody’s blackberry, and/or a laptop computer. The internet can be helpful,
2) What is inefficient about the standard paper resume?
The inefficiencies are that it can be hard to deliver your resume to the employer, mailing it, showing your resume and introducing yourself face to face. The employer would need gather the paper resumes by reading it and sorting them out. Many employers do sometimes have high standards on grammar, plus spelling, and you would have to be very careful and precise on what you are writing. Also your paper resume is hard to look at or seem important it can be hard to make a 11 x 8.5 paper seem important.
3) What are the most sought after traits employers are seeking?
Somebody who is digital savvy, a person whose comfortable with using technology, must have good communication skills, and also writing skills. They sometimes seek organization, somebody to be on time, a person who can get along well with others, and a person who can conduct themselves in a proper adult manner.
Activity 1) Interview an employer about the top traits they look for in a new hire.
Tom McCarthy: Looking for somebody that can use computers, work along with office machines, somebody who can communicate, a person who can follow instructions. Anybody who can use time wisely, and work with others
Activity 2) Develop a list of your professional and personal skills.
I’m skilled at fixing photographs, and making any photo creations. I’m also good at taking photographs without being noticed and I can also edit photos. My personal skills include being good with computers, and fast internet searching.
Activity 3) Research web 2.0 presentation tools to be used in the solution.
Penzu-is a simple online tool for creating a personal journal. Entries are automatically dated and students can add titles and text as well as images which appear in the margin of the page. They need to register to save their entries but this is quick and simple and only requires an email address. The journal entries can be shared by email or can be printed up and brought into class.
Voxopop- is a web based audio tool that enables users to record their speaking for others
to listen and respond to. It allows teachers and students to build up threaded audio
discussions online similar to those on a text based bulletin board.
280 Slides-280 Slides is a web based presentation tool similar to PowerPoint. It enables you to create presentations with a series of slides and embed rich web based media into the slides such as video, audio and images. You can then deliver the presentations online, embed them into blogs or websites or download them to a computer hard drive.
1) What is new media?
It can be somebody’s blackberry, and/or a laptop computer. The internet can be helpful,
2) What is inefficient about the standard paper resume?
The inefficiencies are that it can be hard to deliver your resume to the employer, mailing it, showing your resume and introducing yourself face to face. The employer would need gather the paper resumes by reading it and sorting them out. Many employers do sometimes have high standards on grammar, plus spelling, and you would have to be very careful and precise on what you are writing. Also your paper resume is hard to look at or seem important it can be hard to make a 11 x 8.5 paper seem important.
3) What are the most sought after traits employers are seeking?
Somebody who is digital savvy, a person whose comfortable with using technology, must have good communication skills, and also writing skills. They sometimes seek organization, somebody to be on time, a person who can get along well with others, and a person who can conduct themselves in a proper adult manner.
Activity 1) Interview an employer about the top traits they look for in a new hire.
Tom McCarthy: Looking for somebody that can use computers, work along with office machines, somebody who can communicate, a person who can follow instructions. Anybody who can use time wisely, and work with others
Activity 2) Develop a list of your professional and personal skills.
I’m skilled at fixing photographs, and making any photo creations. I’m also good at taking photographs without being noticed and I can also edit photos. My personal skills include being good with computers, and fast internet searching.
Activity 3) Research web 2.0 presentation tools to be used in the solution.
Penzu-is a simple online tool for creating a personal journal. Entries are automatically dated and students can add titles and text as well as images which appear in the margin of the page. They need to register to save their entries but this is quick and simple and only requires an email address. The journal entries can be shared by email or can be printed up and brought into class.
Voxopop- is a web based audio tool that enables users to record their speaking for others
to listen and respond to. It allows teachers and students to build up threaded audio
discussions online similar to those on a text based bulletin board.
280 Slides-280 Slides is a web based presentation tool similar to PowerPoint. It enables you to create presentations with a series of slides and embed rich web based media into the slides such as video, audio and images. You can then deliver the presentations online, embed them into blogs or websites or download them to a computer hard drive.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Assistant Scoutmaster James R Harrington week 4
This is a self portrait of me in my boy scout Class B uniform. My troop and myself wear these t-shirts as work clothes for community service and non special stuff, we wear our Class A uniforms for special events. This is what i look like when I'm not in civilian form. This was captured on 2/18/11. I set up the camera on the tripod and set the time on the camera to 10 seconds and it came out well. The camera was set at manuel mode, with an aperture of f3 and shutter speed of 15. For the lighting I used my kitchen lights to give it a little shine. This describes alot about me and my personality, because when I put on this uniform, it tells me that I'm someone special and a helper to the world.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Jimmy Harrington as a silly boy week 3
I had my tripod set up and had my Mother take the picture. Both she and I wanted to take a picture of how I look silly alone with no body around. This was taken on 2/10/11. The camera was set at manual with a aperture of f6.4 and shutter speed of 5. The light came from my kitchen and the flash off my camera reflects off my face. This is what i look like when I'm goofing off, on bad and tired days.
Jimmy with sweater. Week 2
I had my tripod set up and I asked my mother to shot the photographer. It took a little time to get this right. She wanted to get a close up of me so that I can be shown off to everyone. The camera was set to manuel mode with aperture of f6.4 and shutter speed of 5. It was taken on 2/10/11. I believe the reflection of my meaning is the way that I'm trying to be, because deep down I was a little annoyed and I was trying to hide it with my smile. I also wanted to show how I look as a gentleman.
Jimmy Harrington smile Week 1
I had used my tripod and had my mother take this picture. At first we took an couple more of these, until we stopped and got the right picture. The camera was set at the manuel mode with an aperture of f6.4 and a shutter speed of 5. This was taken on 2/10/11. I even like the way the flash reflects off my face, it makes me look more cheery. The light came from my kitchen and some of it came from the flash. I believe of this is the way I look and how my personality feels to me.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Donna Gottlieb Harrington in Shock
This is a portrait of my Mother, Donna Gottlieb Harrington. The way my Mother looks in this picture was that she was surprised to have been photographed unknowingly and she looks like she's in shock. This picture was taken at the train show which took place at the Orange County fair grounds on February 5th, 2011. I captured her by walking behind, and when she turned around I snapped the picture and she didn't know it until after it was taken. The lighting technique that I used was the flash. The lighting in the building wasn't that good to use and everytime I snapped a picture, it turned out dark. So I had to change the Aperture and Shutter Speed until it was right and I had to use the flash to give it more lighting. The Camera technique that was used was taken at a vertical angle. The aperture was set to f6.4 and the aperture was set at 125 on the manuel mode. The meaning of this photograph was that she was more startled to have been photographed and being sneaked up from behind.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dad working on car
This is a photo of my Father James F Harrington working on my 1995 Jeep Cherokee. This photo was taken on October 3rd, 2010. How I took this photo was that he was working on my car to get it running and trying to take his picture at the same time, so I stood on the left side of my car, while my Dad was working on the other side and I ducked down a little to get his upper body and the tool in his hand, working on the car. I had the camera set at the manual mode. The lighting technique was a little difficult, I had the camera set at a different aperture and shutter speed and it turned out way to bright, but then I had the aperture set to f5 and the shutter speed set to 500. After that everything turned out good. I took the photograph at vertical angle while holding the camera. I believe the real meaning of this photograph was his personality and the way he looked at me while I took his picture.
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